CRI and Heart Center Researchers
At this time, Children's Research Institute is actively recruiting for three researchers in cardiac regenerative medicine through the Center for Tissue and Cell Sciences. Click here to go to Seattle Children's Heart Center.
Meet the Doctors
Dr. Cohen is Clinical Co-Director of the Heart Center; Division Chief, Cardiothoracic; Program Director, Cardiothoracic Surgery Program. His research interests include the development of mechanical cardiac assist devices (implantable ventricular assist device) and techniques.
Dr. Lewin is Division Chief, Cardiology ; Co-Director of the Heart Center. His research interests are in fetal cardiac dagnosis and cardiovascular genetics.
Dr. Portman is the Director of Pediatric Cardiovascular Research. His research interests are in cell metabolism, biomedicine, MRI and Kawasaki's disease.
Dr. Boucek's research interest includes myocardial regeneration and cardiac transplantation.
Dr. McMullan is Surgical Director, ECMO. His research interest include surgical management of congenital heart disease. Specifically he is working on strategies to improve patient safety during prolonged mechanical cardiopulmonary support and studying intracellular energetics of myocutes relating to the pathophysiology of the failing heart.
Dr. Joffe is an Associate Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology. Her research interest specifically related to congenital heart disease includes use of dexmetetomidine in patients with single ventricle physiology and patients post-heart transplant.
Dr. Olson is Acting Instructor, Division of Cardiology, Department of Pediatrics. His research areas include cardiac metabolism, myocardial regeneration, and ventricular development in the fetus.
Dr. Eisses specializes in anesthesia for cardiac surgery. His research interest is in coagulation abnormalities related to cardiac surgery.
Dr. Gurvitz is a cardiologist. Her research interests include epidemiology of adults with congenital heart disease and transition of adolescents with congenital heart disease to adult care.